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The Resolutions of a Saint

Resolutions of a Saint

I can’t think of a better place to start a new year than with the resolutions of a saint. Sister Faustina was a simple, uneducated, Polish nun, who obediently wrote down what Jesus told her in her now famous diary. These were her own personal resolutions written January 1st, 1937 (Diary 238-240) one year before her death.

As they were written for life in the convent, I, very humbly, adapted them for you and me today, while adding a simple thought from Jesus, also taken from throughout the diary. My hope is not to merely put these on a page just to read, but to become them, even if it means starting with just one. Join me.

Dear Lord, help me to become a little more like a saint this year, one day at a time.

1. Maintain a strict observance of interior silence.

  • Quiet the constant storms, voices, and noise in your heart and mind, and rest with me.

2. See Jesus in every person: all love of neighbor must flow from this motive.

  • In the next person you see, choose to see me, and love them as you would me. I come to you in those whom you least expect, love me, and leave all judgment up to me.

3. To do the will of God faithfully in my life at every moment.

  • My will is simple: Love God and love your neighbor. Everything else stems from these.

  • Come to me at all times and ask, “what is your will for me, right now.”

4. Lay bare the inner most secret depths of my soul to God (at least) once per day.

  • In your simplest human terms possible, tell me your fears, your joys, your sorrows, and how you are doing. Yes, I already know, but it pleases to hear it from you.

  • Empty your whole heart into mine, my heart is limitless and can take it all.

5. Imagine Jesus were to come for me this day: Examine my conscience accordingly.

  • If you were to meet me face to face this day, are you prepared to see your soul as I do?

  • You are who you are through the eyes of God, no more, no less.

6. Don’t seek God out there, but within my own being.

  • Your soul gives life to your body, what, or who, do you think gives life to your soul?

  • This is where we meet, where my hand gently holds your soul into being.

7. In sufferings and torments take refuge in My Heart, and be silent.

  • Run to me in adversity and say only, “you can do all things”, then think of it no more and sit with me.

  • You waste much time and energy with your human ways of over-analyzing.

8. Unite my suffering with Jesus on cross.

  • I give your suffering meaning and turn it into great power.

  • Unite your suffering with mine and we will renew the universe… together.

9. To use all free moments no matter how short to pray for the dying.

  • It touches my heart very deeply when you pray for the dying.

  • Pray that they all come home to Me where I eagerly await them with open arms.

10. Direct all works to the lord and have no regard for what others think of you.

  • When all is said and done, who do you aim to please: Me, or the world?

  • Be fools for love, truth and goodness; be fools for Me.

11. Empty myself for the sake of others.

  • As I empty myself for you, always.

  • Love one another as I have loved you.

12. Make the presence of God the basis for all my thoughts, words, and deeds.

  • Place yourself in My loving presence at all times, then do what you will.

13. Always put self love in its proper place; namely, the last.

  • I stripped myself of all Glory and became the least among you: Imitate me.

  • Whoever humbles himself will be exulted; whoever exults himself will be humbled.

14. To carry out all my daily spiritual exercises and duties as if it were the last day I would do them.

  • The smallest act done with love is far greater to me than any great accomplishment done without.